First there was ‘hot desking’, now it’s all about ‘agile working’. So what is that and how do we do it?

Agile working is all about creating a flexible office and productive environment. It’s about creating different working areas within the office to give your people the freedom and flexibility to work where they want, when they want and in an environment that brings out their best.

The fixed, private desk is replaced with a new diversity of work surfaces, both individual and shared.

And instead of being a costly exercise, quite often this approach can lead to efficiencies in the use of your space and help you to lower your operating costs.

Whilst the interior design and fit-out of your office can benefit the efficiency and productivity of your employees, you’ll also need to think about the need for kitchen areas and stand-alone tea and coffee stations. And don’t forget, most visitors will normally want to visit your washroom too.

As such, it’s vital your fit out ensures these areas compliment the overall design and are kitted out with all the necessary equipment to meet the needs of its users.

If your office fit out means a move to new premises, don’t worry. As part of the process we can work with you to ensure all dilapidations to old premises are scheduled into the fit out timeline too, leaving you free to focus on your new space and what the future will hold for your business.

We’ll also provide estimates to enable negotiations with landlords.